Fuzzy’s and More

Stay tuned for more grocer’s specials from Fuzzy’s. We had reached the point where releasing something small required a three week art project. The Fuzzy’s brand allows us to do some very small batch releases. If you’ve ever lived in an area with a neighborhood grocer/butcher, Fuzzy is your pal at the deli counter who always has something special for you. Just don’t be shocked if you see a testee smoking Fuzzy’s Meat Loaf.

Lasso Flek has hit the dusty trail batch-wise, but we still have a few pounds to randomly list from our shipping mistakes reserve. We have one last round of Brown Flek merchandising in three weeks so we’re released the reserves now. Uzumaki is spiraling into nothingness in one more batch. Burlier MP should be restocked this week. The Oriental Affair is over at the end of the current batch. Moriarty is going on possibly non-permanent hiatus at the end of current batch.

We’ve sold through the remaining supplies for Burley Morning Pipe, Dark Fired Cherry, Jim’s Special Flake faster than anticipated. DFC and Jim’s go permanently extinct when finished. Burley Morning Pipe may get reformulated but it’s not an easy task. The next version of Burley Morning Pipe (if there is one) won’t be a match for the current one nor close enough to call the same.

If you’ve been paying attention, the blend portfolio is shrinking despite our best efforts. Even while we say goodbye to another favorite too often, we’ll still trying to make what what we do sell better. We have improvements in the works for several blends.


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