Caught Up, Catch Up

Yesterday, all orders that had been received by noon Central were dispatched to their various shippers. Today all orders received before 2pm Central also made it out. Ken is going to England next week for non-pipe business, and we all worked extra hard to make sure the fall blends get to you as quickly as possible.

Normally we would stagger drops of Haunted Virginia and Dread Planet out, but this year we’ve released the entire allotment up front. Haunted Virginia was a micro-batch but Dread Planet is a larger batch that should hold out for a few weeks (hopefully).

Embry will be tending shop next week and filling orders. Embry’s Sticky Bun is now a merch only option as well.

What’s next? Ken had a request for more Pork Chops and Apple Sauce, a light burley blend with no black Cavendish, and of course there’s the Texas Pipe Show slow smoke blend (currently processing). In addition to the Pipe Show blend, a small bitch Virginia/Perique (Pork Chops and Apple Sauce) and a Burley all-day inspired by the older production of Carter Hall are some of the upcoming projects. Scare-o-Matic dips out at the end of October and Spicy Chai leaves mid November.


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