When you order over 100 dollars worth of merchandise to a US address, you will now get a Discount Premium shipping option in addition to Free Shipping. Free Shipping will always be the cheapest option (usually USPS Ground Adv. or UPS Saver). Discount Premium is five dollars for either UPS Ground or USPS Priority Mail (for PO Boxes, APO, etc).
We tried to figure out a way to discount the rates returned from USPS/UPS when the order total is over 100 as Free Shipping alternatives, but we decided it was easier to just give a reasonable upgrade fee.
This afternoon (Sunday Feb 16) we’ll be releasing Lasso Flek (Final Batch), Uzumaki, Jim’s Special Flake (we have six months supply, and then it’s dead), Fuzzy’s Coffee Kake, Brown Flek, Mountains of Madness, and Study in Scarlet. Possibly one or two more.