B. Frog’s Stampede Kek$12.99
KBV Uzumaki$12.99
B. Frog’s Mountains of Madness$12.99
KBV Van Gogh$12.99
Mr. Christian’s Acadian Flek$12.99
B. Frog’s Western Trilogy$12.99
Western Trilogy, Acadian Flek, and Stampede Kek (scented crumble plug) are back in stock. Van Gogh, Uzumaki, Moriarty, and Mountains of Madness get restocked next week. The next blend in the Sword & Board series debuts next week: Lich Knight (aromatic licorice Latakia mixture).
Instagram is the most deleted app of 2023. We’ve decided to use the X platform with our business since it will let us run polls easily. However, social media is as dangerous as cigarettes for some people. Here are some tips we have for avoiding social media addiction.
- Watch some youtube videos about social media addiction to make you aware of the issues. I’m just a lowly tobacco vendor. Many people can explain the pitfalls in general better than me.
- After you create an account spend a little time blocking anything in your feed that makes you feel angry, upset, or anxious. If you spend time looking at those items, the machine assumes you want more.
- “Following” is usually better than “For You”. “For You” attempts to get you to spend more time on the app by showing you posts more likely to trigger responses in you.
- In general, timebox your time on X. Avoid social media stimulus for the hour before bed.
- Most updates on twitter aren’t that important, it’s fine to not check it every day or even every week. The longer you go without checking, the more content you have to scrawl through.
- Be Mindful of Your Usage
One of the types of posts we intend to make on the platform, are label ideas we didn’t finish. There are usually some “also rans” that stayed in sketch form. Some of those sketches are still pretty filled out.