B. Frog’s Showtime$11.99
KBV Pork Chops$14.33
Texas Pipe Show blends are listed. We have whole Pork Chops and scrap still in transit from Texas that will be stocked next week.
Mr. Christian’s Acadian Flek$11.99
B. Frog’s Colonial Reserve$12.99
KBV Myrkwood$12.49
KBV Golden Age$11.99
KBV Burlier MP$12.49
KBV Jim’s Special Flake$12.49
We’ve also restocked quite a bit this week. Too many to list. The next new release will be B. Frog’s Lasso Flek (a coin cut Virginia puro), A new batch of Zen Garden is on the horizon that uses a much smoother bright Virginia and acacia honey. We’re also working on a new cognac infused English mixture. We debuted a micro batch at the Texas Show under the codename B. Frog’s Sabotage.