The Hand and the Delivery

We’ve gotten feedback from our latakia testers than the new edition of Hand of Götz (Rustica) is production worthy. We’re working on a new label for this blend to work it into our Sword & Board series. We will likely release it Thursday or next week depending on when we finish the marketing update. The other full flavor English being released under the S&B label will be a Perique-kissed fine-cut English codenamed “Elder Dragon”.

Our B. Frog’s line of tobaccos are Virginia heavy. The early Sword & Board series is filling out our slots for aromatic Latakia and full flavor Latakia. While some blends may “jump label” to Sword & Board, we are developing a new gold Virginia blend for the marquee.

Notes on Shipping (US)

Expect to pay around 4.25 USD for something small shipped these days. Our single item bulk orders are typically around this price. What happens when you buy two items? With our bulk products, the second item typically costs less than a dollar more in shipping costs. For a shipment of six bulk products, the average is 6.25 shipped. That’s almost one dollar per item vs 4.25.

Shipping rates generally stay in the 6.25 to 9.25 range for shipments under one hundred dollars. At one hundred dollars, shipping becomes free for most items. The point? Most people think of “Free Shipping” as a platonic ideal that must be realized, when they neglect how much free shipping they get just from buying a second item. You weight twice as much but generally pay less than a dollar more. Don’t overlook the savings you get by not spending one hundred dollars.

Notes on Shipping (China)

Most of our Chinese customers use re-shippers. , but I do not have the name of one who handles tobacco shipments. We had shipping to mainland China disabled for almost a year, but it turns out that Auctions were allowing anyone to bid regardless of whether we ship their country. We have the most issues with parcels to China (even declared as tobacco with small declared values). We are looking for a way to exclude China from Auctions. No offense China! 不好意思


PS: There’s already a Hippo pipe label.

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